Mobility scholarships

Every year, the Graduate School of One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases (1H-EID) offers scholarships to its students.

SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools mobility scholarships

The SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools mobility scholarships offered by the Graduate School of One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases are a unique opportunity for students engaged in the field of molecular and cellular biology, with a particular interest in emerging infectious diseases. These scholarships, awarded through competition, are designed to encourage international mobility for students, as well as exchanges with overseas territories.

The Master’s programme in Molecular and Cellular Biology with a focus on emerging infectious diseases provides a stimulating academic framework, combining a strong theoretical foundation with cutting-edge practical experiences. By offering incoming and outgoing mobility scholarships, the programme aims to further enrich the students’ experience by allowing them to immerse themselves in different academic and cultural environments.

By encouraging student mobility and facilitating international exchanges, the SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools mobility scholarships not only contribute to the personal and academic enrichment of students, but also to the promotion of research and innovation in the field of emerging infectious diseases on a global scale.

Incoming mobility scholarships are intended to attract highly qualified international students to the programme, thus providing a diversity of perspectives and expertise within the student community. Recipients of these scholarships will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world-renowned academic environment and contribute to the research dynamics of the Graduate School of One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases.

On the other hand, outgoing mobility scholarships enable students enrolled in the Master’s programme to gain valuable experience abroad or in overseas territories, where they can deepen their knowledge and skills in different contexts. These exchanges also foster the development of international professional networks and strengthen scientific collaboration between institutions.

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