Research labs within Université Paris Cité


Membrane Protein Biochemistry Lab

BPM – UMR 7099

Founded on an interdisciplinary approach, this unit focuses on the biochemical, structural, and functional aspects of proteins that interact with biological membranes. The main objective is to deeply understand the role of these proteins in various biological processes, such as nutrient transport, cell communication, and signaling. By combining techniques from biochemistry, structural biology, and biophysics, UMR 7099 seeks to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of these processes. These research efforts have significant implications in various fields, including pharmacology, biotechnology, and medicine, thereby offering new perspectives for the development of targeted therapies and innovative drugs.

Functional and Adaptive Biology

BFA – UMRS 8251

Today, it is common to use computational methods to discover new drugs. However, in recent years, new challenges have emerged. It is now necessary to take into account the multiple interactions between a drug and its targets, as well as to seek alternatives to traditional drugs. The team focuses on two main axes: Profiling, which thoroughly studies therapeutic proteins and predicts how molecules interact with them, and Peptides, which develop new peptides to target protein interactions. They also have a platform called RPBS that aids in these research endeavors.

Clinical Investigation Center in Vaccinology

CIC – Cochin-Pasteur

Institut Pasteur

The Vaccine Trials Center of Cochin Hospital and the Institut Pasteur have established the Cochin-Pasteur Clinical Investigation Center in Vaccinology, in collaboration with Inserm. This specialised center evaluates new vaccines, addressing a global public health need. It conducts clinical trials on new vaccines, with financial support from Inserm and DHOS. The first clinical trial evaluates a vaccine against Shigella dysenteriae, launched in June 2005.

Centre Population et développement, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

Ceped – UMR 196

The Ceped is a research center in social sciences, associated with the Université Paris Cité – Saint Germain des Prés Campus and the IRD. It studies the links between population and development in countries of the Global South, in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, through three thematic axes. The team includes several researchers, as well as doctoral students, and collaborates with other research institutes and networks. The Ceped also offers a Master’s in Social Sciences programme, specialising in “Populations and Development,” at the Université Paris Cité.

Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Statistics

CRESS – UMR 1153

The CRESS is a research center in epidemiology and statistics, recognised for its scientific excellence and innovation on a global scale. Their mission is to study the factors influencing population health at all ages and to develop innovative methods to improve clinical practices and public health policies. The Center values collaboration, interdisciplinarity, rigorous research, and engagement with society. Research areas cover a wide range of topics, from obstetric epidemiology to digital health.


EA – UMR 7206

Directed by Évelyne HEYER, is a research team associating the CNRS, the MNHN, and the Université Paris Cité. Based at the Museum of Man, it studies how humans and primates interact with their environment, thus influencing culture and long-term biological evolution. To address the major challenges facing humanity, this team combines ethnology and biology. It explores topics such as the conservation of great apes, the influence of culture on human biological evolution, and cultural diversity.

Environmental Toxicity Therapeutic Targets Cellular Signaling & Biomarkers

Team 7: Cell death and Host Pathogen Interaction

T3S – UMRS 1124

Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, especially in developing countries. The team focuses on understanding cell death during host-pathogen interactions. It investigates how cells die and how microbes persist even after treatment. The goal is to find new drugs to enhance existing therapies against HIV and other infections. The team also aims to understand how parasites like Leishmania affect cells and how this influences the immune response. Lastly, it explores how viral infections trigger the release of certain molecules in the body, which may prolong the illness.

Epigenetics and Cell Fate Centre

UMR 7216

Established in 2009 on the Grands Moulins campus of Université Paris Cité, the UMR conducts research on the influence of epigenetic regulations on mammalian cell development, both in normal and pathological contexts. It brings together teams specialised in the molecular mechanisms of epigenetics and has technical platforms to support their work. It is led by Doc. Valérie MEZGER as director and Doc. Claire ROUGEULLE as deputy director. Strategic decisions are made by the Management Committee, while the Unit Council discusses general operational issues.

Microbial Genetic Expression

EGM – UMR 8261

Founded in the 1960s by Marianne GRUNBERG-MANAGO, it’s dedicated to research on gene expression control in microorganisms such as E. coli, B. subtilis, Synechocystis, and S. cerevisiae. The UMR employs genetic, biochemical, and structural approaches. RNA is at the heart of its work, which focuses on gene transcription, mRNA stability, and translation. The team currently comprises 35 members divided into 5 autonomous teams.

Infection, Antimicrobials, Modeling, Evolution

IAME – UMR 1137

Founded in 2014, the lab brings together researchers from INSERM, Université Paris Cité, and Sorbonne Paris Nord University to combat infectious diseases. Located on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris-Bichat, it promotes collaboration between researchers and clinicians to better understand and treat these diseases.

Laboratoire Européen Associé

LEA – INSERM “Emerging Antibiotic Resistance in Gram-negative Bacteria”

EMergATB-Resist – IAME – UMR 1137

The EMergATB-Resist research project, led by Patrice NORDMANN at the University of Fribourg and in collaboration with Erick DENAMUR at IAME, aims to rapidly detect antibiotic resistance in multi-drug resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria, understand the genetic mechanisms of resistance, develop rapid diagnostic tests, and create new treatments against carbapenemase-producing bacteria.

Institut Cochin

Department of Infection, Immunity, Inflammation

UMR 1016

The Department of Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation at the Institut Cochin is dedicated to studying the mechanisms of infectious diseases, immunity, and inflammation. Comprised of multidisciplinary researchers, it aims to understand the interactions between pathogens and the host, as well as the associated immune and inflammatory responses. Through an integrated approach, spanning from basic research to translational research, the department seeks to develop new strategies for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Its goal is to contribute to improving public health by combating these pathologies.

Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology


Founded in 1930 by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation, it is a multidisciplinary research center in biology, physics, and chemistry. The laboratory was a pioneer in employing full-time researchers and inspired the creation of the CNRS. Today, the IBPC hosts five research units associated with the CNRS and the UPMC or Paris-Diderot universities, working on various aspects of biology, from the molecule to the organism. It fosters scientific curiosity and international collaboration.

Institut Necker-Enfants Malades

At the Institut Necker-Enfants Malades, the aim is to advance science and provide practical solutions to current health challenges. The institute focuses on scientific excellence and translational research, collaborating with clinicians to translate discoveries into practical treatments. The campus, comprised of the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital and the Necker Faculty of Medicine, provides an environment conducive to research. It believes in multidisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing to innovate together. Their vision for the future includes progress in key areas such as precision oncology, metabolic diseases, immunology, and personalised medicine.

Institut de recherche Saint-Louis

Genomes and Cell Biology of Diseases team

Inserm U944 – CNRS UMR 7212

The Genomes and Cell Biology of Diseases team at the Institut de recherche Saint-Louis investigates how genes and cells contribute to diseases. Their goal is to understand the molecular basis of genetic and developmental diseases to develop better diagnostics and treatments. The team collaborates with other researchers at the national and international levels to advance this field, which could help improve patient care.

Emerging Virus Biology team

UMRS 944

The team investigates how viruses affect human cells and how this influences our susceptibility to viral diseases. It focuses on RNA viruses, such as those transmitted by mosquitoes or respiratory viruses, which can cause severe illnesses. The goal is to understand how these viruses manipulate cells to spread and evade our immune system. This research could aid in developing new antiviral treatments. The team employs various advanced techniques such as proteomics and genomic analysis to explore these mechanisms.

Human Immunology, Pathophysiology, Immunotherapy team

HIPI – U976

Established in 2019, affiliated with Inserm and Université Paris Cité. Under the direction of Jean-Christophe BORIES, the unit comprises over 200 members working on immuno-oncology, stem cells and immunity, as well as immuno-inflammation. In addition to these areas, HIPI explores cross-cutting projects to develop combination therapies. Its goal is to identify new immunological mechanisms to better understand and treat immune diseases. In collaboration with hospital clinical services, HIPI also promotes innovation and the training of young researchers and physicians, while advocating for scientific integrity.

Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Énergies de Demain

LIED – UMR 8236

Established in 2013 at the initiative of the University Denis-Diderot and the CNRS, LIED focuses on interdisciplinary research on energy. Its programme addresses issues such as energy transition, renewable energies, and energy efficiency, taking into account social and material aspects. It brings together researchers in physics, biology, and social sciences who collaborate to deepen the understanding of energy challenges. Interdisciplinarity is at the core of its approach, fostering ongoing dialogue between disciplines to enrich research.

Mother and child in tropical environment


UMR 261
MERIT specialises in research on maternal and child health in tropical environments. Created to address the specific needs of these populations, it focuses on issues such as the health of pregnant women, fetal and infant development, as well as tropical diseases affecting these populations. Through a multidisciplinary approach involving medicine, biology, and social sciences, the laboratory aims to improve medical care and public health policies in these regions.

The Engaged Life Science Collaboratory



Led by Aude BERNHEIM, Vincent LIBIS, and Ariel LINDNER, ELiS conducts interdisciplinary research at INSERM U1284 and Université Paris Cité, supported by the Learning Planet Institute. The laboratory combines expertise in computational, systemic, and synthetic biology to address global challenges in sustainable development. The team comprises over 20 young researchers from more than 10 nationalities. Their work focuses on discovering the bacterial immune system, exploring natural products from soil bacteria, creating the global TerraBacta atlas of biosynthetic genes, engineering bacteria for sustainable production, as well as affordable solutions for detecting infectious agents and open medical advancements.

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