Our offers

The opportunities offered by the Graduate School of One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases to doctoral students working on Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) are incredibly vast and enriching thanks to the labeling. As a labeled doctoral student, you benefit from privileged access to a wide range of opportunities to enhance your doctoral journey.

Participation in specialised modules

Our Graduate School of One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases offers a wide range of modules designed to cover various relevant disciplines in the field of EID. These modules, taught in French or English, allow you to deepen your knowledge and develop essential skills. Among these, some teachings in French include medical-economic analysis, bioinformatics, research ethics, and many more. Modules taught in English address topics such as high-dimensional data analysis, emerging pathogens, and host-pathogen interaction.

Complete list of our modules in French
  • Analyse médico-économique
  • Analyse statistique des données de maladies infectieuses
  • Bioinformatique
  • Circulation des agents infectieux et contrôle des risques
  • Création et management de bases de données
  • Éthique en recherche
  • Évaluation des tests de diagnostic
  • Insectes vecteurs et transmission de pathogènes
  • Introduction à l’analyse des risques
  • Introduction aux relations entre science and société
  • Maladies animales infectieuses émergentes et zoonoses
  • Modèles linéaires généralisés
  • Modélisation des maladies infectieuses
  • Programmation R et statistiques
  • Rétrovirus
  • Surveillance de la santé publique, santé globale
  • Virus et cancer
Complete list of our modules in English
  • Analysis of high dimensional data
  • Emerging pathogens
  • From the field
  • Genomic and evolutionary dynamic
  • Global health security, risks and memories
  • Host-emerging pathogen interaction
  • Innovation and EID

Participation in summer schools

Our Summer Schools dedicated to Emerging Infectious Diseases offer an immersive experience where you can engage with world-renowned experts, participate in hands-on workshops, and collaborate with other passionate researchers. These events cover a variety of topics and disciplines, allowing you to explore new perspectives and expand your professional network.

Networking opportunities

Our “Career Afterwork” events are unique opportunities to meet professionals in the field, explore different career opportunities, and receive personalised advice for your professional development. It’s an invaluable opportunity to expand your network and connect with influential leaders, both women and men, in the field of EID.

Mobility scholarship for research stays

You have the opportunity to obtain mobility scholarships to carry out research stays at partner institutions, both nationally and internationally. These stays allow you to acquire new skills, explore new research environments, and strengthen your academic collaborations.

Funding to attend international conferences

We offer funding to enable you to attend international conferences in the field of EID. These funds provide you with the opportunity to present your research, exchange ideas with researchers from around the world, and stay updated on the latest scientific advancements.

Post-doctoral scholarships

Finally, we offer “end-of-thesis” scholarships to assist you in finalising your research and preparing for your thesis defense. These scholarships provide valuable financial and logistical support to successfully navigate this important milestone in your academic journey.

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